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CKCSC Ch. Chadwick Great Balls of Fire at Hobbshire "Baggins"

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Chadwick Great Balls of Fire head as adult

Baggins showing off his gorgeous head

Chadwick Great Balls of Fire standing when young

Baggins as a young dog

Chadwick Great Balls of Fire as puppy

Baggins as a 5 week old pup

Wil O Wisp Fife Baggins Ulysses as pups

Baggins (3rd from left) pictured here with his offspring
Left to Right:  Chadwick Wil O' the Wisp, CKCSC Ch. Chadwick Theatrical Trilogy "Fife" and
Cobblestone Ulysses "Ulysses"

We met Denise and Richard Quittmeyer approximately 27 years ago at Obedience training school in Manhattan.  Denise was training Hobbit, their first and only Cavalier at the time and I was training Chiquita and Sebastian.  We both competed in obedience and Denise asked if I would consider her for a nice show quality male sometime in the future.  Incredible as it may seem, all the males in my first few litters had undescended testicles and of course they would not be any good for the conformation show ring.  Finally, Baggins was born, two testicles there at 8 weeks, hence the name Great Balls of Fire!  Several of us were driving to the Cavaliers of the South Specialty so I took Baggins with me as Denise had to work.  The arrangement was that we would drop him off in New Jersey on the way home to Connecticut.  Baggins finished his CKCSC Championship that weekend and with the excitement we got a late start plus we had some difficulty arranging all the trophies that he won in a mini van with so many crates and dogs and three people.  We finally reached New Jersey at our meeting point where the Quittmeyers met us to retrieve Baggins and his loot . . . at 3 a.m.!  They were good sports to come out at that time of night for their boy.

Baggins was bred very little but produced CKCSC Ch. Chadwick Theatrical Trilogy "Fife" and CKCSC Ch. Chadwick Tapestry "Stitches" as well as other important dogs in other breeders' and my pedigrees.

He lived 12 happy years with the Quittmeyers, initially in New Jersey and ultimately in Las Vegas, Nevada, where he finally succumbed to throat cancer.

DOB 02 SEP 1985

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