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Chadwick Jumping Bean "Beans"

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Chadwick Jumping Bean head shot angled 14 yrs   Chadwick Jumping Bean 14 yrs full side head shot

An elegant, elderly lady of 14 years

Chadwick Jumping Bean sitting   Chadwick Jumping Bean standing

What a strange name to call a beautiful dog--Jumping Bean. Is she "jumpy"?  No, not at all.  She was named this because her mother, CKCSC Ch. Chadwick Calamity Jane, and her father, CKCSC Ch. Laughing Charisma, jumped over everything.  Both of them were regular houdinis!  So we expected the litter to be likewise.  Well, so much for breeding in traits--Beans is the sweetest, calmest dog on this earth.  Beans is really David's dog.  She produced big litters with ease, cared for them all beautifully and she is behind several of our winning dogs today.  At almost 13 years of age she still cavorts with the others and jumps on the sofa for her  nap -- which are getting quite lengthy as she becomes older.  She deserves as much rest and treats as she can get!

Beans, at that time 15 years old, had been entered in Veterans at an upcoming CKCSC National Specialty.  Unfortunately, she had been battling a lung infection for three years which suddenly caught up with her and took her life.  To the week she died, she galloped across the kitchen floor hoping for a cookie!  She was the sweetest dog on this earth.

Chadwick Jumping Bean as puppy

Pictured here at 8 weeks

DOB 08 MAR 1993
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