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CKCSC Ch. Chadwick Bentley Turbo "Bentley"

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Chadwick Bentley Turbo at 15

Bentley at 15 years of age

Chadwick Bentley Turbo standing by lake

Bentley in your younger days, during his show career

Bentley lived with the Shaerf family in Manhattan, NY, but often came to Connecticut for breeding or for shows.  He accompanied me once to Dallas, Texas to Cavaliers of the Midwest Specialty but when we landed at Dallas, the flight took off for Oklahoma city along with Bentley!  The airline ground crew had forgotten to take him off the flight.  The stewardess behind the desk was so upset, more so than I was because I knew that Bentley was so secure in himself that he would deal with the situation.  When I arrived at the hotel, the telephone was already ringing--it was the baggage handlers at Oklahoma airport asking if he was friendly and could they give him a cookie as they had no dog food.  Within a half hour the telephone range again, this time the baggage handlers were thrilled to have him as company for the night and told me that he was wandering about the baggage room and how wonderfully friendly he was.  They took him for a walk with a luggage strap and he hung out with them eating cookies, until the morning when the airlines shipped him back to Dallas and delivered him by hand to the hotel.  Just in time for him to be shown that morning and to finish his CKCSC Championship under Peter Watkins, Bembridge Cavaliers, UK.

After 15 1/2 years, it was time to say goodbye to Bentley as he was beginning not to enjoy his daily life due to old age.

DOB 16 OCT 1988

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