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Chadwick the Gigolo "Bradley"

Chadwick Gold Horizontal Line

Bradley head shot

Bradley on the move

Bradley, on the move!

Bradley standing from side     Bradley standing from front

Bradley as a puppy

Bradley, on left, as a puppy

Bradley was retained for breeding, despite his heavy markings, as he is line bred on my beautiful McCallum, who lived on into old age.  Both of Bradley's parent were cardiologist, ophthalmologist and patella clear past 5 years and both were hip dysplasia cleared as well.  Winter's MRI was excellent at 18 months.  McCallum's MRI at 3 years showed a tiny syrinx that measured just a bit larger than was required for a Grade A.

Bradley is a gregarious, solid, small spaniel with excellent bone, a rockin' rear end and movement with reach and drive!  Full of personality, he is always into something he shouldn't be into, but he is never remorseful about his mishaps.  Bradley let five Cavaliers into the rabbit hutch WITH the rabbit who thought he was about to die.  Bradley just licked him all over -- the others decided rabbit food was delicious.  To preserve our sanity and that of the rabbit's, we gave rabbit and hutch away.

DOB 06 JUN 2013
Click Here for OFA Health Listings
COI 14.4%


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Bradley pedigree


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