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CKCSC & AKC Ch. Immenhof's Coriander of Chadwick "Cory"

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Immenhof's Coriander of Chadwick head pic

Immenhof's Coriander show pic

Cory winning his first major at his first AKC show under Canadian All-Breed Judge, R.W. Taylor.  That same weekend, he went on to win another major at Cavaliers of the Northeast Specialty show under UKBreedSpecialist, Jenny McAlpine, Annatika Cavaliers.  Later that year he completed his CKCSC Championship under UK Breed Specialist, Sylvia Lymer, Lymrey Cavaliers.

Cory was bred by Dieter Heymann, Immenhof Cavaliers, in Germany and we thank him for sending Cory to the USA.

Sally Ferris and her entourage of Rubies welcomed Cory into her household after he was diagnosed with mitral valve disease and was not a good candidate for breeding.  The good news is that the "girls", both canine and Sally, are devoted to Cory, their knight in shining red armour!!

DOB 25 OCT 2001
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Immenhof's Coriander of Chadwick pedigree


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