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CKCSC, AKC & Can. Ch. Chadwick Foolish Pleasure at Brynwood "Derby"

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Chadwick Foolish Pleasure Derby at 14 facing front   Chadwick Foolish Pleasure Derby sitting side

Derby pictured at going on 14 years of age

Chadwick Foolish Pleasure Derby laying with blue ribbon

Derby in his younger days

Derby is still full of life at almost 14 years of age.  He is the result of that accidental breeding when CJ (Ch. Chadwick Calamity Jane), his mother, leaped over our fence and was bred in an instant by Chaucer (Downsbank Red Adair of Chadwick)!  The entire litter was called after April Fool's day, the litter's date of birth.  Foolish Pleasure was a racehorse thus the name Derby.  His daughter, Chadwick Bonnie Heath, name after a well-known racehorse breeding farm in Kentucky, called Pimlico, after the racetrack, is the mother of CKCSC & AKC Ch. Chadwick Gold Dust "Glitter" and her litter sister, Chadwick Golden Guinea.

Derby also produced a son by the name of Closeburn Belmont Stakes and so the theme was continued.  Derby is a gentleman (unlike his mother who is a hussy) with the ladies, whispering sweet nothings into their ears!  He was bred judiciously but nonetheless can be found in several pedigrees of today's winning Cavaliers.

Courtney Carter of Brynwood Cavaliers whisked him away as a baby puppy to join the rest of the Brynwood clan in Pennsylvania.  Our thanks go to Courtney for caring so well for our boy and for going that extra mile to gain all three of his Championships in North America.

Chadwick Foolish Pleasure Derby in Christmas Card   Chadwick Foolish Pleasure Derby standing on rocks

Chadwick Foolish Pleasure Derby and his mom CJ

Derby and his mom CJ

Chadwick Foolish Pleasure Derby as puppy head pic   Chadwick Foolish Pleasure Derby puppy standing

Derby as a 9 week old baby.  And the moral of the story is. . .don't throw the baby out with the bathwater just because of a white chin!

DOB 01 APR 1992
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