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CKCSC & AKC Ch. Chadwick Carbon Copy "Ditto"

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Ditto finishing her AKC Championship at 2 1/2 years

Chadwick Carbon Copy L and Chadwick Calamity Jane R

Ditto, on the left, seated with her mother,
CKCSC Ch. Chadwick Calamity Jane, CJ. on the right

Quill left and Ditto right as puppies

Littermates Quill, on the left, and Ditto, on the right

Ditto accompanied me to many CKCSC Specialties and she was the dog I showed at the first AKC show I attended.  She won the breed over the Special (Champion) which in turn propelled me into the Toy Group ring which I was definitely not prepared for.  Nonetheless, with prompting from the sidelines, we managed to be one of the six finalists for placement in the Toy Group.

When Ditto's hips did not x-ray well enough to be bred from, we wrestled with the idea of parting with her so that she could live out her life as an only dog with all the attention bestowed on just her.  Sherlee and Robby Lantz had been without their beautiful Kilspindie girl, Celti, for several years now and whilst they were hesitant to take on a puppy, they yearned for a dog.  After Celti died, Sherlee had given us sweaters, raincoats, blankets, bed, leads and collars, feeding bowls, crate, travel bag, toys, special dryer, everything to be given away to a worthy Cavalier owner as Sherlee would have no further need of them.  Fast forward three years and we call about Ditto and would they be interested in this wonderful dog.  Sherlee responded that even though she had looked after dogs most of her adult life, with joy, it was time to stop as Manhattan can be complicated and Sherlee never wanted to face one more last, losing battle with a dog's death.

I had planned to be in Manhattan one day that week and Sherlee graciously accepted the offer to see Ditto but that she would be returning to Connecticut after the visit. Robby, who was all for having another dog, writes a note to Sherlee before leaving early for the office:  "We have a date with happiness today".  I arrived promptly but not alone.  I am standing in the doorway with Ditto -- and everything of Celti's that had been given away three years earlier. I smiled and brought it all into the bedroom where Ditto jumped on the bed and looked like she meant to stay.  Which she did.  Two weeks later Ditto was in Paris on vacation with the Lantz's.  Sherlee calls it my devious plan but it turned out to be such a blessing and Ditto is adorable in every way and well loved.

Ditto seemed to be noise sensitive and it took several months for her to get used to the commotion of New York City life.   She had only been in Manhattan for a few weeks when one late night, when being walked by Robby, two young fellows came flying around the corner on skate boards, scared poor Ditto to death and she lunged to get out of their way.  In doing so, she pulled the leash right out of Robby's hands and took off, loose in Manhattan, towards Central Park -- the apartment was located in the opposite direction.  Robby was hysterical and walked the streets looking for her.  Finally he succumbed to the fact that he would have to return to his wife to tell her the tragic story.  As he entered the lobby of the building, there was Ditto sitting there waiting for him. The doorman had closed the doors to secure her in the lobby.  Needless to say, Ditto soon wore a Doberman sized collar and leash on future walks with Robby!

Here's an interesting phenomenon -- when Ditto meets Cavaliers on the street during her walk, she always knows when they are a Chadwick dog and indicates so by being very interested in the Cavalier.  Sherlee always asks where the dog is from and Ditto has never been wrong yet.  We have no idea how she knows, but she does.

Ditto, now in her very advanced years, languishes serenely with Sherlee in the apartment, she amuses people on the streets of Manhattan as she leaps up and down, discussing loudly with Sherlee where they will be going that day.

DOB 15 JAN 1994

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