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CKCSC & AKC Ch. Rossbonny Elliott of Chadwick "Elliott"

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Rossbonny Elliott and Anne

Elliott always enjoys lap time

Rossbonny Elliott standing in field

Watching intently as the squirrels elude him

Rossbonny Elliott head shot

Elliott in a dreamy mood!

Rossbonny Elliott show pic with judge

A major win for Elliott under UK breed specialist

Elliott was a gift to me from my aunt and he arrived in the USA at a year of age with Dido Schilizzi of Chacombe Cavaliers, UK, who transported him for me.  Elaine Shail of Rossbonny Cavaliers, UK, bred him and we are so appreciative to her for entrusting Elliott to our care.  Dido insisted that I be the first one to take him out of his travel carrier since she felt that he would then be bonded to me.  I thought it was an interesting concept that I had not heard before but, true to Dido's words, Elliott became my shadow.  Elliott was such a fun dog to show but at the same time, quite a chore as he took show training very seriously and was not keen on perking up his ears in the ring.   He had a button that you could switch on and off -- when it was on, he had springs for legs, when it was off, it was like he was in a trance.  It was difficult to get a happy medium with him.  We affectionately nick-named him "Elliott the Idiot" because he was constantly leaping onto tables and chairs, crashing to the floor as he misjudged his jump!  He finished his CKCSC and AKC Championship easily and he has proven to be an important outcross for the Chadwick line.  Elliott is now retired to the Diller household where he happily lives with his daughter, Gracie.

Elliott came out of retirement at age 11 years to compete at CKCSC's annual National Specialty show.  He had a ball--leaping and barking, just like he did when he was being shown to gain his Championship as a young dog.  Elliott won Best Veteran in Show.  Sadly, a month after his day in the limelight, Elliott passing away suddenly, but painlessly, without a moment's complaint.  What a great boy he was.  The Diller family miss him terribly but will remember him fondly for many years to come.

DOB 15 MAY 1997
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