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Chadwick Escada "Escada"

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Chadwick Escada sitting

Escada and her owner, Alice Dunn, spotted each other from across the show ring and it was love at first sight!  When Alice asked me if I would consider allowing this wonderful little Tricolor to live with yer, how could I deny Escada her soulmate?  She was one of the bitches to begin Kalidunn Cavaliers in Western Michigan.  Both Alice and especially Escada consider that she's the most important Cavalier in the house and thus she has special privileges.  Sometimes there's just no explanation why things just work out the way they do!

In the Fall of 2008 Escada came down with a peculiar physical problem, similar to Lou Gehrig's disease, which rendered her unable to walk very well.  No vets or vet specialists could find anything wrong with her other than her obvious symptoms.  In the end Alice Dunn put Escada to rest as she was suffering too much.  Our condolences on the death of this wonderful little soul from whatever disease she may have had.

Click Here to go to the Kalidunn Cavaliers site!

DOB 21 OCT 1999
Click Here for OFA Health Listings


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