CKCSC & AKC Ch. Chadwick Laphroaig "Islay"
At 4 1/2
years, Islay won Best in Show at COTW Specialty under Mary Drewett, Judyland
Cavaliers, UK and the following month she won an Award of Merit at
Meadowlands Cavalier Club Specialty under Ken Town, Barzac Cavaliers, UK.
At the tender age of 11 months, Islay earned her CKCSC crown by
gaining two more majors at Cavaliers of the Northeast show in June 2006.
However, it was Sheelagh Waters of Maibee Cavaliers who gave Islay her first
major at 7 months and Jeannie Boyd and Barbara Grimm-Curley, all three breed
specialists, who finished her. Our appreciation to all the judges who
have recognized this puppy's qualities.
At her first outdoor AKC show, Islay won Best of Breed over a
Special under breed specialist judge Lorri Isenhath, and then went on to win
a Group 1 under AKC judge Desmond Murphy. Islay had only just turned a
year old at the time. Whilst I handled her in the classes, Islay was
expertly handled by Karen Galipeault in the Group competition.
Islay has the sweetest of expressions
Islay at 7 months with her rosettes from her major win, Reserve Winner's
from the puppy classes at a CKCSC Specialty
Islay with her litter sister at 6 weeks.
The Cavalier with a confusing name - but crystal clear
Islay's mother, AKC Ch. Chadwick Moonshine's
pet name is Chivas, named after the fine whiskey, Chivas Regal. Using
the liquor theme, Laphroaig (pronounced LAF-ROY-G) is a celebrated malt
whisky produced on the Isle of Islay (pronounced ILA), off the West Coast of
Scotland. Multi Champion Sanickro Double Vision at Brynwood and AKC
Ch. Chadwick Moonshine, gave us an equally celebrated product in the form of
a gorgeous Cavalier named Islay!
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DOB 09 JULY 2005
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COI 7%
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