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CKCSC Ch. Chadwick Embrace "Kiss"

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Kiss head pic


Kiss win sitting     Kiss win standing

Left, Best in Show Specialty - Kiss at 17 months.   Right, Kiss winning another major on the same weekend as her Best in Show


Kiss standing AKC ring

Kiss's first foray into AKC competition - Winner's Bitch, BOS over Specials - 3 point major

Kiss was conceived from what I call the litter from hell! Her mother dropped her progesterone levels and delivered a litter of six premature puppies. The babies were all 2-3 oz in weight, they were unable to suckle, their organs were not developed enough to function and despite our efforts, we lost all but Kiss and her litter sister. The puppies could not be left unattended with the mother for fear of her lying on them and they had to be fed by tube every couple of hours. We took them everywhere, even to Christmas parties. Guests would look into the warm, snuggle bag of two puppies and not realize they were actually of the canine variety! They resembled baby birds. As soon as Kiss and her sister were old enough, they were able to nurse and Myrtle (Chadwick Periwinkle) took good care of them thereafter. This is what breeders mean when we say that breeding dogs is not for the faint of heart!

Kiss came with us at 3 1/2 months of age to the Richmond shows and she had a ball, greeting anyone and everyone who would take the time to play with her. That weekend she learned to walk on a leash and to eliminate outside. So that she would not have to be confined too much in a crate, we closed her in the bathroom. I returned to discover that she had found the toilet paper –the bathroom was totally covered with white, shredded paper. It looked like it had snowed! On our way home from Richmond, we stopped to pick up Zoot (Chadwick Naughty Zoot), a Tibetan Spaniel puppy of the same age. Zoot and Kiss became firm friends and they still are to this day. Much to my chagrin, I might add, because Zoot is brutal to Kiss’s ears, pulling and chewing on them whenever she gets the chance. Kiss of course retaliates with glee and enjoys the rough play but it is not conducive to producing long, lucious ears for the show ring!

Not realizing just how pretty and sound moving Kiss is, she was entered once as a puppy where she won Best Puppy Bitch one day. Since then she has never lost a class in the following six shows, she won four major wins out of six and finished, not only her CKCSC Championship but also her Junior Warrant, a Best in Show Specialty, a Reserve Best in Show and became CKCSC’s top winning Bitch – all by the time she was 18 months old. We were stunned! Now she must compete with all the mature Cavaliers so it will be a little more difficult – she still acts so much like a puppy. Her joie de vivre is apparent by her antics in the ring.

DOB 13 DEC 2010
Click Here for OFA Health Listings
COI 1.7%


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Kiss pedigree


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