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CKCSC & AKC Ch. Chadwick Miss Moneypenny "Moneypenny"

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Chadwick Miss Moneypenny in arms

Moneypenny won Best in Show at a CKCSC Specialty under Jim Reynolds, Canadian All Breed Judge

Chadwick Miss Moneypenny at show

Moneypenny won Best of Opposite Sex at the Westminster Kennel Club show under Frank Sabella,
AKC All Breed Judge (pictured above with Moneypenny and myself who showed her)

Chadwick Miss Moneypenny show win

One of Moneypenny's many wins

Chadwick Miss Moneypenny as a youngster sitting

Moneypenny as a nine month old youngster

We have had such fun with Moneypenny doing so well in the show ring.  She absolutely loves to show off and did so in front of thousands of spectators at Madison Square Garden's famous Westminster Kennel Club show where she won Best of Opposite Sex.  I was the only owner/breeder/handler in the winners' lineup.  Moneypenny was the only female.  The others were all males and were either imported or handled by professional handlers.  Which goes to show that a good dog can win owner-handled in tough competition under a knowledgeable, honest judge.  At 10 years of age Moneypenny is back in the show ring much to her delight, in the veteran's class, where she has won Best Veteran in Show at CKCSC Specialties and Best Veteran in the Toy Group at an AKC show.

For over 14 years Moneypenny has given me such joy with her great attitude and friendly nature.  I showed her extensively and won well in the show ring – we were a team.   She was never  sick a day in her life but on February 18, 2010 I had to give her that last gift of love, relieve her of her pain and allow her to leave us to join her mother, CJ, and other relatives.  She will be missed by many.

“She took my heart and ran with it, and she’s running still, fast and strong, a piece of my heart bound up with hers, forever".   Patricia McConnell   For The Love of a Dog

DOB 15 NOV 1995
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