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Nellie jumping performance page

Chadwick Sound of Silence MX, MXJ, known better to her friends as Nellie the Wonder Dog, is a match made in heaven with Sherry Holm.  Nellie's mother, Sprite, owned by Sherry's daughter, Bethany, had a litter of puppies and from a very young age Sherry and Nellie bonded.  "No more dogs" was the constant proclamation by Sherry and so Nellie spent time with us and all the Chadwicks.  From time to time Nellie re-visited Sprite and finally Sherry just could not part with her any more so the proclamation somehow got adjusted to "No more dogs -- except for Nellie!"

Nellie's love in life is hunting out in the woods.  You can take a dog to the woods to hunt but you can't take the woods to the agility field as a reward for running agility!  As much as Nellie enjoys treats, she would always have preferred to go hunting so motivating her to fun fast and clean in agility was a challenge that both Sherry and Nellie succeeded in.  She is a thief extraordinaire, with the ability to steal food off a table and return to her bed in the blink of an eye, not a crumb on the floor, not a lick of her lips which would show that she was the culprit who stole the food -- yet the food was gone!  Nellie takes great delight at agility trials rummaging in people's bags looking for treats so Sherry taught her that if she brought the stolen goods to Sherry, she would get a piece out of the bag.  Good thing or Nellie would now be obese with the many, many bags of food that has stolen over the years.

Performance high walk

Phipps gallops down the dogwalk, aiming for those illusive contacts.  She runs agility as a team with her owner, Bethany Holm, and sometimes, when Bethany's mother steals her away, she will run with Sherry Holm as well!

Reno doing weaves

U-CD, U-AGI Chadwick Shilling CD, C-CD, RE, C-RN, OA, AXJ, NAP, OJP, CGC, TDI
(Sanickro Oh So Cool "Dixon" X CKCSC Ch. Chadwick Silver Sollar, AX, AXJ "Florin"

"Reno" doing his weaves above and jumping below.

Reno jumping

Premonition HIT picture

Chadwick Premonition "Peeper"
(Chadwick Wyatt Earp X Chadwick Daimler)

Peeper winning High in Trial at the CKCSC National Specialty at 18 months of age.



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