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AKC Ch. Chadwick Rhumba "Rhumba"

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Chadwick Rhumba at Christmas

(CKCSC & AKC Ch. Rossbonny Elliott of Chadwick X Chadwick Penny Farthing)

When Rhumba is not being ably handled in the show ring by his dad, Jim Lauve, he enjoys Christmas with the family.  Rhumba is now 10 years old and has passed all the critical health clearances (heart, eyes, hips and patellas).  He is co-owned with Mary-Lou Lauve and enjoys life in South Carolina.

Chadwick Rhumba at age 10 sitting

Rhumba at 10 years - like wine, he gets better with age

Chadwick Rhumba in arms show

Jim Lauve showing Rhumba who finished his AKC Championship in style under
Anne Rogers-Clarke, well known AKC All Breed Judge

Rhumba pictured on his 7th birthday

At almost 10 years of age, Rhumba's first litter from frozen semen was born - four healthy, vigorous blenheims.  A month later, his second litter was born.  Well, it's better late than never!  Rhumba, the happy daddy, is passing out cigars and telling everyone who will listen about the blessed events.  Oh, wait a minute, that's Jim Lauve, the granddaddy, who is doing all the cigar giving and talking!!  Jim and Mary-Lou are thrilled with Rhumba's new decendants.


Click HERE to see pictures of Rhumba's Offspring

DOB 25 AUG 1998
Click Here for OFA Health Listings

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