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CKCSC & AKC Ch. Chadwick Bewitched at Blackfire "Sammi"

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CKCSC & AKC Ch. Chadwick Bewitched at Blackfire "Samantha" owned by the Weidigs
Samantha is a litter sister to Chadwick Dream Weaver of Heartsong

Rather than adding another wholecolor to their group, the Weidig's selected Samantha to start their parti-color line of Cavaliers.  And what a wonderful selection they made.   She has successfully completed both her AKC and CKCSC Championships and remains healthy past 5 years of age.  It has been quite a struggle to keep Samantha focused in the ring.  She has a determined personality which has resulted in a battle of wills between Samantha and whoever is handling her!  Nonetheless, when it comes to motherhood, she is the best, caring for her babies with the utmost diligence.

Click Here to visit the Weidig's Blackfire Cavaliers site.

DOB 08 APR 2001
Click Here for OFA Health Listings

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Chadwick Bewitched Samantha pedigree


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