Chadwick Winter Solstice "Winter"
Winter won Reserve
Winner’s Bitch under judge, Hans Hilverda, The Netherlands
Above: Winter at 6 months
![Chadwick Winter Solstice standing as puppy](Chadwick_Winter_Solstice_standing.jpg)
As a young pup, Winter has won several puppy classes, qualifying her
for Puppy of the Year
DOB 22 DEC 2007
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for OFA Health Listings
COI 11.7%
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![Chadwick Winter Solstice pedigree](Chadwick%20Winter%20Solstice.jpg)
![Chadwick navigation teal](Chadwick_navigation_teal.jpg)
![Chadwick Gold Horizontal Line](Chadwick%20Horizontal%20Line%20picture.jpg)