Gallery 2
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Chadwick Therapy dogs visit the local nursing home, bringing joy
to the elderly.
Festivities is happy with Frazzle the kitten.
Left to Right:
CKCSC Ch. Downsbank Spring Clover of Chadwick "Chloe"
Chadwick Crowd Pleaser "Zest" (CKCSC, AKC & Can. Ch.
Kindrum Sylvester at Brynwood X Chloe)
CKCSC Ch. Chadwick Calamity Jane
and Rocky, the squirrel
We found Rocky, the squirrel, one wet, dark night and brought him into the
house for warmth. He was literally pink skin and two large, black
whiskers so he was probably only a few days old. He ate baby cereal
and goat's milk by syringe and grew intoo this handsome, sturdy, grey
squirrel - note that he is only 12 weeks old in this photograph. He
was quite tame with people and tolerated the dogs, in fact bossed them
around by chattering at them, but we could not trust all the dogs with
him--however most just wanted to play. Baby squirrels are much more
difficult to wean onto nuts and squirrel food than Cavalier puppies are to
wean onto meat and kibble, so we had to bring him with us to Cavaliers of
the Northeast's Specialty since he was not weaned. He tried chewing
out of his plastic crate and by the end of the weekend he had almost
accomplished that task. Just imagine a loose squirrel amongst 200
Cavaliers! Jim Meager was the photographer that day and chuckled the
whole time he was looking through the viewfinder of his camera!
Luckily one of our club members, Sue Ramsey, a wildlife rehabilitation
specialist, offered to take him back to North Carolina where he was released
slowly into the wild by their house. He would come back and visit
often and they knew which one he was due to his lack of fear of the dogs and
him being so robust from his goat's milk beginnings!