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Chadwick Kasper "Kassi"

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Chadwick Kasper sitting

Kassi is too lightly marked to be shown in the ring but she's a valuable producer in that she is sound in body and mind plus she is heart healthy over 7 years of age, as were both her father, mother and litter sister, Chadwick Escada.  She is the mother of two Best Puppy in Show winner, CKCSC & AKC Chadwick Coco Chanel.

Whilst we would have loved to  have kept Kassi through old age, she is a master escape artist, despite fencing upon fencing, both tall wood and wire at the bottom and top!  In the past, when she has escaped, we have seen sightings of her around the neighborhood and my neighbor's children even know her by name!  This is not a good situation.  Normally breeders look for homes where they have fencing but I knew fencing would only give her new owners a false sense of security, thus a home where there was no fencing or electric fencing would be preferable and an owner who understood the typical Cavalier flight risk.  We are so fortunate that Kassi now lives in Maine with Bland Banwell, along with Ffion, another of our dogs.  She has a dog walker for exercise and she walks them on leash at all times for potty breaks.  Otherwise they are in the house.  Thus far, Kassi has not escaped and the two dogs enjoy their days watching Maine wildlife from the window.

DOB 21 OCT 1999
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